You should read - June 17
Our Putsch
The Jan 6 2021 insurrection failed. But until the ring leaders, including Cheeto Benito, are held accountable, a
You should read - June 10
I'm taking a break from sturm und drang this week.
Just one thing
How to Be a Protagonist
You should read - June 3
Just one thing
America's impotence in the face of gun violence continues to dominate my thinking. As of
You should read - May 27
Just one thing
There is only one thing to speak of today. In these frequent moments of despair, I go
You should read - May 20
When I first heard of a shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, last
weekend, my first impulse was
You should read - May 13
It's Friday the 13th. Unlucky? In these times, it doesn't seem any more unlucky
than any
The Midnight Blast
> Of all the horrid, hideous notes of woe,
Sadder than owl-songs or the midnight blast;
Is that portentous phrase,
You should read - May 6
This week, with the leak of an impending SCOTUS decision overturning Roe v Wade,
our creeping fascism turned into an
May the Fourth Be With You, 2022
Star Wars is in a strange place right now.
Directly behind us is The Book of Boba Fett, possibly the
Is it a pen? Or, a chew toy?
I haven't watched the latest Marvel streaming series, Moon Knight. I haven't
watched any of them.