You should read - Apr 29
What a week. And its not even over as I write this on Thursday...
Just One Thing
"Impose your
You should read - Apr 22
Work has been intense for a bit and will be for a good while longer. So, this
You should read - Apr 15
Links collected over this past week, maybe fewer than usual. Taking a break from
World War Three and Our Putsch,
You should read - Apr 8
This week, let's start off with the ephemera—the interesting distractions. All
the doom is still there, but
"See both"
The learning I am unlearning is seeing the world as "either/or". Western
thinking, and Christianity in particular,
You should read - Apr 1
Pulling together this week's list, I realized I need to seek out and share more
joyful stuff to
You should read - Mar 25
A selection of headlines I read over the last week. I fully intended to read all
of this stuff, but,
Metta for Washin and Ukraine
The zen sangha with which I took precepts, Treeleaf [],
is an entirely online sangha. Members live
You should read (Mar 18)
My top reading recommendations from Pocket and elsewhere, the week of March 14,
If You Read One Thing
You should read (Mar 11)
Again, saved far more than I could possibly read this week. I've tried to tamp
down on the