You Should Read - July 1

Late post. Just links this week.
Collected ephemera
- New York Magazine The Necessity of Hope Things are bad. They will get worse. But despair has never been an option.
- CrimethInc. Voting vs. Direct Action
- Polygon Star Wars fans’ favorite character, Glup Shitto, is back in the spotlight
- Designer Being Make ugly things It's better than making nothing at all
- The Atlantic The Barbed Wire Sutra (2015) Buddhism, initially seen as a threat to national security, gained acceptance through the patriotism and sacrifice of its adherents in the Second World War.
- The Conversation Google’s powerful AI spotlights a human cognitive glitch: Mistaking fluent speech for fluent thought
- Tech Policy Debating Whether AI is Conscious Is A Distraction from Real Problems
- LA Times Column: How a progressive Bay Area prosecutor was reelected while San Francisco tossed its liberal D.A.
This is my county and my DA. - Willamette Week What Happens if Americans Stop Recognizing the Legitimacy of the Supreme Court? We Asked a Constitutional Scholar.
- Poytner It’s possible to be a journalist and a human The way journalists are told to perform objectivity is outdated. If we want to preserve public trust, the best thing we can do is tell the truth.
- Polygon The great Pokémon card shortage has a solution: 9 billion new cards
- The Tyee Get Ready for the Forever Plague Public health officials’ COVID complacency has opened the door to new illnesses and devastating long-term damage.
- Automattic How to Be a Neurodiversity Ally
- Galaxy Brain The Petty Pleasures of Watching Crypto Profiteers Flounder